Sunday, March 1, 2009

When I Choosing Aromatherapy

In choosing aromatherapy, I'm not reckless. Similarly, in storage.
First, I always make sure the oil is pure aromatherapy. I'm not deceived by the price. The cheap price for an aromatherapy, will rise to the question. Usually a written 100 percent pure essential oil blend, when oil essensial already mixed in with the oil essensial others.
I always choose the aromatherapy packed in glass bottles that dark color. To save, I always avoid the hot sun. Glass bottles that have a dropper at the end of its very helpful in calculating the required droplets.
In use, when aromatherapy makes me dizzy or allergies, I will stop. There is a possibility, aromatherapy is not pure.
But, to be considered is, even aromatherapy are pure, may not suitable for one person with another person. Sensitivity of each person is different.
Because a high concentration of oil essensial of aromatherapy, I did not hold the oil directly. Because I know I will have a skin irritation.


Anonymous said...


I do choose aromatherapy to deal with my insomnia and headache.

It works when I need to relax and calm down after a hectic hours.

Feel free to see some of my recipe at

Right now, we're having aromatherapy giveaway. join us at


elizatri said...

Thank you for the invitation. I will be pleased to see.

aromatherapycourses said...

As a certified aromatherapist I must recommend that people take an affordable aromatherapy course that will teach them the proper way to use essential oils for various aromatherapy treatments. There is much wrong information on the Internet and only by taking an aromatherapy course from a certified aromatherapist will help you learn to use essential oils safely and effectively.

Sharron Myers

elizatri said...

thanks to your recommendations. I will consider it.