Face acupressure is pressing acupuncture point on the face. Acupressure is not painful. With acupressure, face will look bright.
Acupressure does not use the tool. Only with the fingers, in the face acupuncture point is pressed.
With little oil, will help in the face of pressing. Sometimes, there are a few practitioners using aromatherapy oils. Can be in two benefits at once, from the benefits of acupressure and aromatherapy.
The goal of acupressure face, to smooth the flow of blood. Thus, the face will be brighter. As a complement, add the cream of many nutrients such as natural vitamin c after acupressure. The cream will sink in well after acupressure on the acupuncture point.
Acupressure does not use the tool. Only with the fingers, in the face acupuncture point is pressed.
With little oil, will help in the face of pressing. Sometimes, there are a few practitioners using aromatherapy oils. Can be in two benefits at once, from the benefits of acupressure and aromatherapy.
The goal of acupressure face, to smooth the flow of blood. Thus, the face will be brighter. As a complement, add the cream of many nutrients such as natural vitamin c after acupressure. The cream will sink in well after acupressure on the acupuncture point.
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