Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sleep Quality

I rarely can sleep that long. Because, I often experience insomnia. I already feel sleep disorders since college. During the lecture I sleep just four or five hours a day.
I once consulted with a friend, a sleep disorders specialist. He said, not a problem when, in one day forced to sleep four hours. However, the record must sleep quality.
In fact, it is true. Because, when I can sleep up to eight hours long, sometimes I also feel tired in the morning. This is because the quality of my sleep poorly. Thus, the number of hours sleep should be supported by good quality sleep.
Because of this sleep disorders, I am not motivated and often difficult to concentrate during the day. Avoiding things that drain your mind before bed really help you sleep quality. If you want to try medicine for sleep, herbal can be a choice to avoid dependence. However, if you do not want to take medicine, you can do the relaxation before sleep. As my friend do, with the psychological and physical relaxation before sleep. This is a natural choice.

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