I ever see the acupuncture needle called seven stars. Needle is widely used by the acupuncturist to hair fall and bald head.
As is often done by my friend, an acupuncturist. He received the patient's hair fall out and bald head.
Using the needle is not only a hit to the patients head. But, also look for the causes of the hair problem. So, the cause is also treated.
According to my friend, the hair problem can be derived from the interference kidney function or the function of lung.
So, in addition to the beaten with this needle, acupuncture point in the body for kidney or lung also taken.
Treatment with this needle, also adding at the same time with the herbal medicine that has been mixed to get the maximum results. Usually, herbal medicine that contains ginger.The point of this treatment is to have blood smooth circulation for your hair.
As is often done by my friend, an acupuncturist. He received the patient's hair fall out and bald head.
Using the needle is not only a hit to the patients head. But, also look for the causes of the hair problem. So, the cause is also treated.
According to my friend, the hair problem can be derived from the interference kidney function or the function of lung.
So, in addition to the beaten with this needle, acupuncture point in the body for kidney or lung also taken.
Treatment with this needle, also adding at the same time with the herbal medicine that has been mixed to get the maximum results. Usually, herbal medicine that contains ginger.The point of this treatment is to have blood smooth circulation for your hair.
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